Car Seat Regulations
Car Seat Regulations
Car Seat Regulations

Safety Made Simple
To simplify the process of choosing the right car seat, regulations and norms have been implemented to guarantee general safety standards worldwide. In Europe and other parts of the world, the UN R129/03 (i-Size) testing standard is in effect.
Safety Made Simple
To simplify the process of choosing the right car seat, regulations and norms have been implemented to guarantee general safety standards worldwide. In Europe and other parts of the world, the UN R129/03 (i-Size) testing standard is in effect.
Safety Made Simple
To simplify the process of choosing the right car seat, regulations and norms have been implemented to guarantee general safety standards worldwide. In Europe and other parts of the world, the UN R129/03 (i-Size) testing standard is in effect.

Regulation R 129
R129 was developed to make child restraints (car seats) easier to install, to provide better protection in side impact crashes, and to keep children rear-facing up to at least 15 months of age. In addition to this, the i-Size component of R129 aims to make child restraints more compatible with vehicle seats.
R129 came into force in July 2013 and is primarily a European regulation, although some other countries will accept child restraints approved to this regulation. This was done in 3 phases:
Regulation R 129
R129 was developed to make child restraints (car seats) easier to install, to provide better protection in side impact crashes, and to keep children rear-facing up to at least 15 months of age. In addition to this, the i-Size component of R129 aims to make child restraints more compatible with vehicle seats.
R129 came into force in July 2013 and is primarily a European regulation, although some other countries will accept child restraints approved to this regulation. This was done in 3 phases:
Regulation R 129
R129 was developed to make child restraints (car seats) easier to install, to provide better protection in side impact crashes, and to keep children rear-facing up to at least 15 months of age. In addition to this, the i-Size component of R129 aims to make child restraints more compatible with vehicle seats.
R129 came into force in July 2013 and is primarily a European regulation, although some other countries will accept child restraints approved to this regulation. This was done in 3 phases:

Phase 1
2013: This applies to ‘integral’ child restraints (i-Size regulation), in which the child is held by a harness or shield that is attached to the seat. This child restraint must be attached to the car using ISOFIX.
Phase 2
2017: This amendment allowed the approval of booster seats with a backrest, that are attached to the car using the 3-point seat belt and optional ISOFIX points. It is still possible to approve a booster seat under R44.
Therefore, booster seats conforming to either regulation (R44 or R129) are still valid and can be used. An end date for the usage of R44 booster seats is being discussed by regulators, but is yet to be finalized.
Phase 3
2018: The latest iteration takes into account child seats that can be installed using the vehicle seat belt. To make installation with a seat belt easier, car seats must feature green belt guides.
In addition to belted systems, R129/03 also takes into account booster seats without a backrest, provided they are equipped with ISOFIX and top tether. Until the child reaches a height of 105 cm, they must be strapped into such a child seat with internal five-point belts or impact shields.

Regulation UN R44/04
This ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) norm describes a set of internationally agreed technical regulations for motored vehicles and related equipment like child safety car seats.
This regulation is also approved by some non-European countries, for example Japan.
Regulation UN R44/04
This ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) norm describes a set of internationally agreed technical regulations for motored vehicles and related equipment like child safety car seats.
This regulation is also approved by some non-European countries, for example Japan.
Regulation UN R44/04
This ECE (Economic Commission for Europe) norm describes a set of internationally agreed technical regulations for motored vehicles and related equipment like child safety car seats.
This regulation is also approved by some non-European countries, for example Japan.

The Test Method per UN R44
To gain approval by law, all child seats approved according to this regulation must undergo the following accident simulation. There is a frontal collision that takes place at a speed of 50 km/h, a rear-collision at a speed of 30 km/h, and a rollover. Depending on the weight category, dummies of varying sizes are used in various crash situations.
The Test Method per UN R44
To gain approval by law, all child seats approved according to this regulation must undergo the following accident simulation. There is a frontal collision that takes place at a speed of 50 km/h, a rear-collision at a speed of 30 km/h, and a rollover. Depending on the weight category, dummies of varying sizes are used in various crash situations.
The Test Method per UN R44
To gain approval by law, all child seats approved according to this regulation must undergo the following accident simulation. There is a frontal collision that takes place at a speed of 50 km/h, a rear-collision at a speed of 30 km/h, and a rollover. Depending on the weight category, dummies of varying sizes are used in various crash situations.

Different UN R44 Groups
Depending on the national legislation, a child must be secured with a car seat up to the age of 12 years, the height of 150 cm or the height of 135 cm. UN-Standard 44 defines five groups, each of which is designed for a certain weight category.
As soon as the child is too heavy or tall for one group, it should move up to the next car seat. However, we strongly advise parents not to move their child up too quickly, as a seat that is too big, can be just as ineffective in a car crash as one that is too small.
Different UN R44 Groups
Depending on the national legislation, a child must be secured with a car seat up to the age of 12 years, the height of 150 cm or the height of 135 cm. UN-Standard 44 defines five groups, each of which is designed for a certain weight category.
As soon as the child is too heavy or tall for one group, it should move up to the next car seat. However, we strongly advise parents not to move their child up too quickly, as a seat that is too big, can be just as ineffective in a car crash as one that is too small.
Different UN R44 Groups
Depending on the national legislation, a child must be secured with a car seat up to the age of 12 years, the height of 150 cm or the height of 135 cm. UN-Standard 44 defines five groups, each of which is designed for a certain weight category.

Difference between R44 and R129
For the time being, UN Regularion No. 44.04 (R44/04) and UN Regulation No. 129 (currently R129/03) are running side by side. This means that parents can choose whether to buy a child restraint approved under either regulation.
Difference between R44 and R129
For the time being, UN Regularion No. 44.04 (R44/04) and UN Regulation No. 129 (currently R129/03) are running side by side. This means that parents can choose whether to buy a child restraint approved under either regulation.
Difference between R44 and R129
For the time being, UN Regularion No. 44.04 (R44/04) and UN Regulation No. 129 (currently R129/03) are running side by side. This means that parents can choose whether to buy a child restraint approved under either regulation.
This makes it easier for a parent to find the correct car seat for their child. There is also a weight limit. This differs from R44/04, which uses weight only.
R129 includes a side impact test of the seat to ensure it provides protection in side impact collisions.
R129 child restraints require children to be rear-facing up to at least 15 months of age. This is done, in part, by setting a minimum height for forward-facing child restraints of 76 cm. In contrast, R44 allows forward-facing child restraints from 9 kg (approximately 9 months)
i-Size child restraints can be used universally on any car seat marked with the i-Size symbol. They are installed with the ISOFIX points. A top tether or support leg must also be used.

Frequently Asked Questions
See below for a list of our most frequently asked questions. If the answer to your question isn’t here and you need further assistance, please contact our customer support team, we’d be happy to help.
i-Size is one part of UN Regulation No. 129. R129 is a new regulation in Europe for enhanced child restraint systems and was developed by the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE). This committee of experts included regulators, research and test institutes, car manufacturers and child restraint manufacturers. CYBEX was a very active member of this group.
i-Size child seats can be used in all vehicles available on the market that have the i-Size logo. However, older car models may not yet be i-Size compatible, even though they have ISOFIX anchor points. If this is the case, please check with your vehicle manufacturer or on the compatibility list on our website if your car model is listed as an i-Size compatible vehicle.
Child seats according to the UN R44/04 standard can continue to be used on the road without any changes. The UN R44/04 standard will be valid in parallel with the UN R129 guideline for a transitional period of a few years. We are currently not aware of any planned ban on the use of child seats with UN R44/04 approval. Because of this, there is no need to swap your current seat for a new model. All current CYBEX child seats comply with the highest safety standards and all legal regulations and can continue to be used with complete confidence.
No, because there is a different child seat approval system in the United States. This means that the US will not accept child seats approved to the R129 standard (and vice versa).
A young child's head is heavy and large in relation to the rest of their body, while the neck is relatively weak. A rear-facing child seat supports and protects the child's head and neck area and reduces the risk of a possible neck injury. Although this topic is still under research, European regulators already agree at a recommended limit of 15 months, because at this age a child's neck is already developed enough to be able to withstand forces in the event of a typical accident. For this reason, it is mandatory for children to sit rear-facing until they have completed their 15th month of life. Nonetheless, a number of R129 car seats are also approved for rear-facing use beyond 15 months of age, e.g. for children up to 105 cm (approximately 4 years).
R44 child seats are classified based on the weight of the child. However, different children grow very differently. A child can still be within the weight limit for an R44 child seat, but their head can already protrude over the headrest. R129 car seats, on the other hand, are classified according to the child's size (and weight). This new approach makes it easier for parents to choose the right car seat and ensures that the car seat fits optimally over the entire period of use.
Age is not relevant for either R44 or R129. Although it is a good guide, children of the same age often vary in height and weight. Therefore, the age of the child is not relevant for R129. The only exception is the provision in R129 with regard to rear-facing driving up to and including the fifteenth months of life. However, a minimum size has also been set for forward-facing riding (76 cm).