How does the uneven surface support work?
The uneven surface support works in a similar way to the uphill support. If you push the e-PRIAM across a rough surface like a sandy beach or cobblestones, there will be more resistance and you will have to push harder. The handlebar sensors will detect this resistance and send a signal to the electric motors to give more support. The effect is instantaneous, making it easier to push the stroller across the uneven terrain, and gives a smoother driving experience overall.
How do I charge the battery and how often does it need recharging?
A charging cable is provided in the product package. You have a choice between directly attaching the cable to the stroller, or detaching the battery from the rear axle for charging. Never leave the e-PRIAM unattended while charging the battery. The battery must be charged until a green light shows on the charger. Charging time is around 3.5 hours, although when you charge the e-PRIAM for the first time this can take up to 6 hours depending on the battery status when you unpack the product. The battery run time depends on external conditions such as surface characteristics, temperature and incline, as well as the load, for example the weight of the child and items in the basket. In fair conditions (flat terrain with short hills and a few uneven surfaces, an outside temperature of approximately 20˚C, a load of 9–10 kg) the battery will last for approximately 45 km. In difficult conditions (outdoor terrain with short hills and many uneven surfaces, an outside temperature of approximately 10–20˚C, a load of 15 kg) the battery will last for approximately 20 km. In extreme conditions (rugged terrain with very long and steep hills and mostly uneven surfaces, an outside temperature below 10˚C, a load of 25 kg) the battery will last for approximately 8 km. The values mentioned above are estimates. The real values might differ or vary according to usage, external influences and the condition of the battery. Additionally, the capacity of the e-PRIAM’s lithium-ion battery decreases with age and usage. This might have an impact on battery run time. The values mentioned do not assume any liability.
What level of performance will I get from the electronic functions?
The smart hill support can help you climb a slope of up to approximately 25% (or approximately 14°). This is similar to the incline of Lombard Street in San Francisco. Up to this point it will take little effort to push the e-PRIAM up the incline. The electric motors will keep providing support until the e-PRIAM reaches a speed of 6 km/h. If the stroller moves faster than this then the support will stop. This is for safety and regulatory reasons.
What is the e-PRIAM app and what functions are available?
The e-PRIAM app is an easy-to-use app unlocking additional benefits for the e-PRIAM:
Rocking Mode: This rocks the e-PRIAM back and forth, calming your child down and gently soothing them to sleep. Support Mode: Adding comfort and control to your stroll: Switch from Eco Mode for longer gentle strolls to Tour Mode for steep climbs that need more power. Battery and Firmware Status: Check battery life and firmware updates for reliable performance. The app is available for most commonly used smartphones: simply download it on the iOS or Android app store.
What is the Rocking Mode function?
The Rocking Mode is a world-first feature helping you to calm your baby down and get them to sleep, without even having to touch the stroller. At the touch of a button on the app screen the e-PRIAM will move back and forth, modelling the gentle rocking motion every parent knows by heart. Three intensity settings are available so you can find the perfect rhythm for your child. And you can program a time duration as well, so you can handle your daily tasks or simply take a well-earned break while your child is gently rocked to sleep. However, please never leave your child unattended while using the rocking function.
What is a one-pull harness?
This is a brand new feature for CYBEX strollers. Rather than tightening the harness straps individually, which can be time consuming, the one-pull harness can be tightened simply by pulling a strap at the base of the seat with one hand. This makes getting your child onboard quick and easy, and also helps you find the perfect form-hugging fit for your child’s comfort and safety.