Can I also use this seat without the base?
This is a multi-mode car seat and does not feature a detachable base
Where can I check to make sure my car seat is installed properly?
CYBEX recommends getting your car seat installation checked by a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician. At CYBEX we have certified car seat technicians available to assist you though our customer service team at ParentLink at 1-877-242-5646 or We also have virtual appointments available at
Is it safer to use lower anchors or the vehicle's seat belt?
The safest installation method is the one that allows you to install the car seat correctly. Either method, if used in accordance with the car seat owner's manual and vehicle's owner’s manual requirements, provides protection. The car seat has been tested to meet safety standards installed by either method. Most car seats have lower anchor weight limitations, so please refer to your car seat owner's manual for those specific limitations.
Which installation method is recommended for my Sirona S?
The car seat can be installed with either lower anchors or the vehicle seatbelt. Because of the weight restrictions of the lower anchors, installing with lower anchors for Rear Facing is limited to a child weighing 30 lbs. and Forwad Facing is limited to 35 lbs. Installation of the car seat with the vehicle belt will support the weight of the child from 4-65 lbs. We recommend the use of the seatbelt so you do not need to change the installation method when your child maxes out the lower anchor weight limit.
Can I install the Sirona S using both lower anchors AND the vehicle seat belt?
You can use only either the vehicle seat belt or lower anchors-not both. The Sirona S should be installed using only one installation method.
Can I use the lower anchors in the rear center seat to install my Sirona S?
You should refer to the vehicle owner’s manual for the center seat lower anchor installation. CYBEX allows lower anchor installations of Sirona S in a center seating position if the width of the lower anchor bars in the vehicle is between 11-20” and the vehicle manufacturer also allows. If the vehicle owner’s manual does not specify, or is not clear, it is recommended to contact the vehicle manufacturer for clarity or install the car seat with the vehicle seat belt.
Do I need to use the top tether for forward-facing installation on my Sirona S?
The Sirona S convertible car seat includes a tether for forward-facing use and CYBEX recommends the use of tether when installing a car seat in a forward-facing position if a Tether Anchor is available. The Sirona S innovative load leg feature, however, like a tether, is designed to reduce car seat movement in the event of a crash, so use of the tether is not required in forward-facing mode for this car seat when using the load leg. The Sirona S meets or exceeds applicable U.S. federal safety standards both with and without the tether, and with and without the load leg.
Why is it important to use the tether for forward facing installation?
The use of a tether can reduce the risk of injury by reducing movement of the car seat and the child in certain kinds of crashes. The tether should be used whenever possible for forward-facing installations with either the lower anchors or seat belt. For proper installation, please refer to both the child safety seat manual as well as the vehicle’s owner manual.
Do I have to use the vehicle seat belt installation method for my Sirona S?
The Sirona S allows for the use of lower anchors up to 30 lbs. (13.6kg) for rear-facing mode and 35 lbs. (15.9 kg) in forward-facing mode. However, the vehicle may have additional limitations (Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual typically under Child Restraint or Child Safety in the index). When you can no longer use lower anchors, the Sirona S must be installed using the vehicle’s seat belt. You can also choose to install with the vehicle's seat belt at any time and avoid having to re-install once the child has reached the lower anchor limits. Always use a tether forward-facing if a Tether Anchor is available.
How do I know if I have LATCH available in my vehicle to install the car seat?
Most U.S. vehicles manufactured on or after September 1, 2002, are equipped with LATCH. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual under the Child Restraints section to confirm and see where your latch connections are.
Where do I store/find my Lower Connectors on my Sirona S?
Storage for Lower Connectors can be found in slots on either side of base. When storing the Lower Connectors, slide each Connector back into its storage slot until an audible click is heard. Easy Lock™ Bar and Belt Tensioner must also be closed. Remove most of the slack from the lower anchor strap by pulling on the lower anchor Adjuster Strap until it lays flat through the Belt Guides. Tuck the excess strap into the vehicle seat crease to get it out of the way.
What is the difference between Rigid Latch vs Flexible Latch?
Flexible lower anchor connectors are connected to each other with flexible webbing. Rigid lower anchor connectors are rigidly attached to the car seat shell or car seat base and there is no flexible webbing. Rigid lower anchor connectors are spaced exactly 11 inches apart to correspond with the standard spacing of lower anchors in the vehicle. CYBEX allows flexible lower anchors to be used with spacing between 11 - 20" apart and given the vehicle manufacturer allows this use.